
Sunday, December 12, 2010


When mentioning memorable noses in art in my review of Megan Marlatt’s show, I completely overlooked Piero della Francesca’s portrait of the Duke of Urbino (c. 1472). Talk about nasal character! And character in general, since the story goes that the duke, who had many enemies and was blind in one eye, had the bridge of his nose removed, in theory, to improve the peripheral vision on his blind side. I can’t imagine the surgery would have worked, but years before any real anesthesia, it must have hurt like a mofo.


  1. I was googling our old family friend Mary D. Keller (1912-1970) and came across your blog about her. I grew up in NYC knowing her well as Aunt Mary, my mother's college room-mate and best friend. She came to my wedding, etc. and also left me 20 shares of Esso stock--the downpayment for our house in Staunton VA where I teach @ Mary Baldwin College. Aunt Mary died in late December 1970 from a stroke while opening Xmas presents--I had just visited her in her NYC apt. after she had left the hospital. I have a picture of her visiting us in summer 1952 in NH right here. Daniel Metraux

  2. I am looking at my wedding pictures from 1969 and have a lovely view of Aunt Mary. She was my mother's Vassar roommate and closest friend.Was very good to me. Like you I inerited 20 shares of Exxon which I used as part of a downpayment for our house here in Staunton VA. She is very much missed.

  3. I am looking at my wedding pictures from 1969 and have a lovely view of Aunt Mary. She was my mother's Vassar roommate and closest friend.Was very good to me. Like you I inerited 20 shares of Exxon which I used as part of a downpayment for our house here in Staunton VA. She is very much missed.

  4. You say Aunt Mary died of Cancer? I saw her on
    December 22nd, 1970 --she had just gotten out of the hospital--and she seemed ok. I was told she died of a stroke while opening Christmas presents. She had an earlier stroke in late November which put her in Presbyterian Hospital--where I also visited her. I loved her dearly.
